August 27, 2018 at 11:35 am.
Checked a camera view from the website this morning. It showed me a picture taken at 7:50am. It was nearly noon. Did the Pi crash? Tried logging in, fully expecting to be told that the connection was offline. Nope, logged right in, no problem, so what’s up? The shots were on the pi, they just had not been uploaded. Must be the file transfer script. Running it manually showed that the server was now complaining about the settings of the client – why after several months? Searching on the error code turned up a suggestion that worked. Had to change one setting in the script from “set ftp:ssl-allow true” to “set ftp:ssl-protect-data” and its working again (until the next time). I just don’t get the timing. The Pi takes the stills and uploads them every 10 minutes. At 7:50 am, it worked, 8:00 am, it failed!