
We’re into the second week of our 2019 heat wave. They usually last about two weeks and it is forecast to break this coming week.

I have found that overnight energy consumption has tripled during this period, presumably due to the refrigerator needing to run more to maintain temperature.  Before the heat wave, with much cooler overnight temperatures, in the mornings, the batteries would be down 10-12 amp hours.  Unless raining, they would be back to a full charge by 9am and certainly by the end of the day in the rain. During this heat wave a rainy day would cause me to lose additional amp hours over the day, then taking most of the day in the sun to fully recharge.  Several days of rain, meant a complete recharge did not occur until a second day of sun.  So far, I have not seen more than a 80 amp hour discharge, a mere 13% of Risa’s battery capacity.   This will likely change as the daylight hours curtail.